Thursday, April 30, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Being an X-Men fan since childhood, I was really excited to know that the X-Men movie adaptations would not end at the 'X-Men: Last Stand'. But when I knew that it was Wolverine who will be the focus or center of the movie, my excitement was lessened a bit because I am personally not a Wolverine fan.

The trailer for the movie restored back all my excitement, and the movie itself killed me. It was really good! Not too dramatic, and it was action-packed! The story was changed a bit, as compared to the original story found in the Comics. But for me, it was really effective because they were able to play around with the dramatic alternatives more. The movie actually made me appreciate the story line of Wolverine, and the character itself.

We were able to watch it in the Promenade, Greenhills together with Kuya, Ate Mae, and Ate Babie.

When we got home, I remembered that I had a "Wolverine" picture when I was still very young, and immediatley rummaged through our old, dusty and massive albums. And yes, I found it haha!

Taken in Alabama, USA, 1993.

Our X-Men hype did not end there. Me, Ate Mae (Kuya's GF), and Kuya, being silly as we are, decided to create our own X-Men "poster". hahaha

(L-R): Ate Mae as White Queen, Kuya as Wolverine, Me as Gambit

There's another version of this, having me as Sabretooth, but I'm too shy to post it. hahaha!

Okay, you can laugh now :p

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Update Fail

This started last month. I am not sure as to the cause of it, but from my speculation, I think it must have something to do with the 'System Restore' option I performed during the said time. I think it may have reversed some updates on Windows Vista which were already previously installed, and so, Vista is trying to re-install it, but for some reason it does not work. This is just what I think happened.

This morning, I tried installing all the 8 updates lined up for my laptop, and this is what came up:

The first notice was weird. From how I see and understand it, those 8 updates are apparently not needed by my laptop as of the moment. But why would they appear there if my laptop's system does not actually need it? I'm confused. Maybe that's not what it's trying to say.

And so, I attempted to install them again, and here's what happened:

It says errors on installation were found - 'WindowsUpdate_80070057'
I tried searching on google for what it means. But it's useless. I hope this is nothing serious.

Will do appreciate if somebody can try to shed light on this matter. Thanks :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

All Tossed Up

I feel caught up in the middle of things.

I shall refer once again to this blogsite title of mine, Salad. I feel like my life is a huge salad, in the sense that I can see different opportunities being laid out in front of me, just like how a salad bears all those ingredients. Every single piece is unique and inviting in its own way.

I have been beginning to accept the reason as to why I am very choosy with work, or as to why I still do not have work up to now. And I think that the reason is I still do not want to work. That simple. Why was I applying before, you might ask? Well I think it's a result of mixed feelings of pressure that my peers already have work, and desire to have my own money to spend on personal things. But as what things seem to be right now, I don't think that these reasons are enough to land me a career in the Corporate World.

So right now, I am not as enthusiastic in job seeking as before, but I still consider applying to those companies that I would like to work for. Everytime I reason out to my Mom that I prefer working over going to Med School, she brandishes me with different reasons for me to think otherwise, and it's really not helping. I feel like I'm heading nowhere, for her reasons are equally drawing. I actually feel a bit envious to those who have started to engage in the path they more or less envision themselves to be in for the rest of their lives. I wish them the best.

Work, study, or whatever.... I just wanna say, "Come what may, World!".

My apologies, if this post seem to be a bit incoherent.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Overthinker

I have been thinking of a good topic to blog about. Something serious and/or relevant to those who visit (my friends, mostly) my blog from time to time. But I cannot think of anything interesting to blog. So right now, I have decided to take things on a lighter level, and try to show more of what is going on with my life right now, career-wise mostly.

I have passed all the required academic units for my tertiary level of education, and have graduated from the De La Salle University-Manila last October 4, 2008. I graduated with no academic distinctions or recognitions, but I am proud for all the achievements I have gained along the way.

After graduation, a graduate is expected to look for a job, or continue on further studies. So what were the plans I had right after I graduated? What I really aimed for after getting out of College was to get a decent job and try to experience what it is like to have financial autonomy -- spending on things that you want. I tried applying to few companies which I can imagine myself working for. And after what seemed like a hundred interviews and tests, and hundreds of hours spent on commuting to and from the companies' respective main offices, I was finally able to decide on accepting the first job offer I was faced with. It actually came too fast for me. I signed the contract not fully realizing if I am really already prepared for the Corporate World, and for the position I was to hold, which is a Payroll Project Resource. Yes I know, why did I ever accept Payroll, when I know in myself that I am not an adept at this field? Maybe it is because I did not want to let that big opportunity go.

The rash decision I made resulted in me resigning after two official days of work. During those two days in the office, I found myself constantly thinking and re-evaluating many things. I was even bothered because it came to a point wherein I really asked myself (in Filipino), "Ano ba 'tong pinasukan ko?". That alone, I believe, is a strong indicator or reason why I must stop. I was very unhappy. But do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the workplace, my co-workers, and the company itself. Everything actually is great, and I think that that company is one of the best employers for Fresh Graduates, in many aspects.

After that experience, I have learned that not every opportunity should be grabbed right away. We must first be really sure of ourselves if we want this certain thing or not. And if not, just be kind enough to let it go, and let other people be offered that opportunity. Let us learn to work on things that truly matter to us.

So what am I left with? Right now, I am still eyeing for certain job openings which I like to work on, but I am still considering other career options. Many of my friends know that I have veered away from the realm of Medicine for many personal reasons. But I still took the NMAT, and applied to only one Medical School for the satisfaction of my parents and relatives. It turned out that I did not make it to their primary list of eligible applicants. My mom and I agreed that whatever the result would be, would serve as a sign from God, and determine my career path. But as I have mentioned, I did not make it to the primary list, but she, along with my other relatives, advised me to wait for the second list, or the list of wait-listed applicants. They asked me what my decision would be in case my name would be included in that list. I told them that I honestly do not know what I would feel and realize if that time ever comes.

I know that it is not a good sign if you are half-hearted with going to Med School, for that very, very tedious journey would wear you down in many aspects of your life, and so, it would be really wise if you have your whole heart into it. Med School is an "okay" choice for me right now. "Okay", meaning it is not my primay choice, but I can work on it also. I guess I am just too caught up with the idea that God has pre-destined us to be somebody in the future, and that I always find myself thinking what if I was actually pre-destined to be a doctor, and that a position in the Corporate World is just not for me? But then again, what if it is the other way around?

I might be just overthinking things.

And so I have thought.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Career Salad

First of all, I would like to congratulate all those who have graduated this month. Be proud, for all your hardships have paid off.

Following my daily routine, which is drinking coffee every breakfast, and browsing the paper afterwards, or drinking coffee while browsing the paper, I came across the editorial section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. I admit that I usually do not read the editiorial columns unless the topic is really relevant to my life, or to what I have for the moment. True enough, I didn't bother glancing through the paragraphs after checking the titles of the editorial articles. But what caught my interest was the editorial cartoon.

From Page A10: Opinion Section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, April 4, 2009 Issue

As you can see in the illustration, in my own interpretation, the batch of graduates rains from the sky and joins the already existing flood of those who are unemployed. Flood, which is slowly engulfing our Country's economy to lower levels.

It really is a struggle for many people to look for jobs in this trying period. Many get laid-off, and quite a number still, do not get the job they were aiming for -- either you are underemployed, or you are forced to make a career shift due to the current situation.

While it is true that indeed many suffer in many aspects of their life, due to this Economic Crisis (Family members killing themselves in America, etc.), we should still be thankful in a way, because the effect of the Crisis here in the Philippines is cushioned by the growth of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industries. These BPO companies help alleviate the problem of unemployment in our Country. They offer thousands and thousands of jobs to all those who are in need of them. To those who are not familiar with what a BPO unit/corporation is, these are the companies who are "employed" by other corporations to do certain business processes for them, for reasons like they do not have the sufficient number of employees to do that certain business task or process. For example, Company A would like to hire Company BPO to help them in screening out Application Forms or Resumes. Another well-known example here in the Philippines are the Customer Service Centers or the Call Centers -- the BPO companies who run these Contact Centers have many accounts for other various companies who may need their services for Customer Help or Support.

Many people are not happy with the fact that they do not get to work on the job which they are really aiming for way back their earlier years, but due to financial constraints, they are somehow forced to take on these ready opportunities. But there are still those who refuse to take jobs not in their field of profession. They wait, and wait until the job they are eyeing for comes. I myself can be classified in the latter. I see many openings in online job search engines, and various advertisements on paper, but everytime I imagine myself taking on the job advertised, which does not really fall under the field I would like to work on, I find myself getting all worked up, and anxious -- I end up not applying for the positions I see.

In this economic situation we are in, is it still okay or proper to be choosy on jobs that are available, or would it be wise to grab whatever it is that you think you could work on, and gain experience, and just transfer to the one you like later on?


My plans for what I want to happen with my career right now is really complicated due to the many confounding situations I am faced with. I would dedicate an entire blog post for that next time.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No worms here!

As mentioned, I ran a full system scan for my laptop, and here's the result:

Worm free! I hope I won't catch it ever.